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Cameron University



Directory By Name


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Ms. Karin Lynn Bailey (Karin)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Assistant III, President's Office
Office Address: Admin 220
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812990

Mr. Ayushon Bajracharya (Ayushon)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Analyst/Programmer, Information Tech Services - 16
Office Address: Admin 201G
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812317

Mr. Albert Dwayne Baker Sr (Albert)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Physical Plant Engineer, Engineering Services
Office Address: Engr 100
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812418

Mr. Brandon S Barnes (Brandon)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Circulation Supervisor, Library
Office Address: Lib 100
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5815553

Mr. Alex Jesse Berg
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Database Administrator, Information Tech Services - 11
Office Address: CETES 108
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812285

Mr. Aldrick Tedburt Biscette (Aldrick)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst Systems Administrator, Information Tech Services - 15
Office Address: Admin 201
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812819

Ms. Chelsea Black (Chelsea)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Academic & Financial Assistance Advisor, Duncan Campus

Dr. Stephanie Boss (Stephanie)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Sports & Exercise Science
Office Address: S Shep 321
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812397

Dr. Stephen P Brammer (Stephen)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Temporary Instructor - PT, Business
Office Telephone: 580 5816771

Ms. Teresa L Briggs (Teresa)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant to the Senior Director of Enrollment Management, VP Enrollment Mgt & Student Success
Office Address: N. Shep 424A
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5918068

Mr. Jarrod R Brown (Jarrod)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Tutor/Testing Coordinator, Duncan Campus
Office Address: CU Dunc 157
Duncan, OK 73533
Office Telephone: 580 5815956

Dr. Krystal L Brue (Krystal)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor, Business
Office Address: Ross 225
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5817988

Mr. David R Bublitz (David)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Communication, English&Foreign Lang
Office Address: AC 105
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812997

Mrs. Sandra Lynn Bussey
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Academic Affairs Specialist, Vice President - Academic Affairs
Office Address: Admin 230B
Lawton, OK 73505
Office Telephone: 580 5812794

Mrs. Natalie Byrd (Natalie)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Assistant I, Shepler - Operations
Office Address: CVMC 111
Lawton, OK 73505

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